Xcode behind proxy

Hello All,

My organization has traffic (http & https) routed through a specific proxy server and port. I could not make Xcode connect to iTunesConnect or Apple Developer account. I went ahead and edited net.properties file and I was able to get the application loader to connect to itunesConnect but I still cannot connect to apple developer account.

After troubleshooting I figured out the request is going through our proxy port but it is not being authenticated. Somehow the Xcode is not able to use my credentials.

Can someone point me how to overcome this issue?

Any documentation on how to get Xcode behind the proxy working would greatly help.

I am sure a lot of developers work for companies like mine which have stricter rules when it comes to network & security.

Please Note: I am doing this in order to establish CI within my company for mobile.



I'm facing the same issue... did you ever have any luck getting this to work?

I kind of found a solution as described here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/666368