Donate using inApp

We have few questions regarding Apple's rules on integrating a payment

gateway inside an app. After applying the application flow, a certain

amount of money will be deducted from the users whereby the application's

scope covers adding a card within the user's profile and automatically

deducting an amount of money based on a certain business rule/calculation.

The amount of money shall ideally be transferred to an NGO..

Q1. Is there a way to have the payment/money transfer go to an NGO (noting

the charity limitation from Apple)

Q2. As per Apple's documentation, the NGO must be a legal signed NGO in

US, so in that case, shall we use a specific gateway proposed by the NGO?

Q3. Will the money be transferred directly to the NGO? Or can we use a

local payment gateway/bank account (i.e. not in the US) where all money

will be transferred to a local Bank Account, and therefore the money will

be transferred offline to the legal NGO?

Q4. Is there any recommendation for a payment gateway (that can be used

internationally) to complete in-app purchases.