Multiple Countries. Half-Baked.

I see that the UK, Australia, and New Zealand are going live tomorrow for Search Ads. Maybe I'm missing something, but is there really no simple "Yes, advertise there as well" option? From what I gather, you have to create a whole new campaign for each country, then duplicate your existing ad group into that campaign. This seems like a system that won't scale well and turn into a nightmare for a few reasons:

1) I have to do this for three countries, which is annoying for now, but will quickly become unmaneagable if I have to do it again for every other country that comes online this year.

2) Creating a campaign forces me to create a new ad group, and there doesn't seem to be a way to delete these empty ones. Now all my campaigns have the duplicated ad group from my master campaign, plus an empty ad group I can't seem to delete.

3) If I update keywords/settings in my master campaign (US) there's no easy way to propogate these changes into the other campaigns.

4) Why in the world are campaigns segreated by country and not language spoken?

5) Does this mean there will be no way to set my overall / daily spend caps and I have to manage each campaign (country) individually?

The emerging system seems like it'll be incredibly complicated. Perhaps this is built for developers with a whole team to manage this? I would love an option to just make my one campaign apply all around the world for English speakers in any country. Then, I can optionally add campaigns later for German, French, etc. (although for my app, most of the top search terms are language-independent. I realize this isn't common.)


4. Most likely has to do with how the store/iTunes is organized based on countries vs.languages.

Recommend you use CSV files for creating/updating keywords and bid prices. That is somewhat scriptable, or at the very least you can search and replace in each CSV file to update bid prices when you want to. Just ensure you're using the correct Campaign and Ad Group IDs in these. If you want to use the same keywords and bids in different countries then this is as simple as duplicating the creation CSV file, updating the IDs, and uploading it.

I should mention they've added duplication features - though I'm quite comfortable managing everything now through CSV files so am ignoring that.

I think one of the reasons they're doing with is for flexibility - if you consider the countries now available by population (as a proxy for how big the markets are likely to be), they're vastly different, you've got the US on 325 million, the UK on 65 million, Australia on 24 million and New Zealand on <5 million. A pricing strategy that works in one, is not likely to behave the same in the others. Each country App Store will likely have totally different dynamics, and different publishers wanting to advertise at different rates, especially for things which are more important for them locally.

I agree entirely on not being able to delete old Campaigns and Ad Groups. I've stuff I messed up in early experimentation which is now just noise and I'd love to get rid. Its just cluttering up my dashboard. At least the option to hide them would be very welcome.

>At least the option to hide them would be very welcome.

Good point. Seems like a good feature request via the bug reporter.

Try using instead for managing your campaigns!