Use "return" ore not?

Hello guys,

I'm new to programming and have just startet to my make first app.

In my code i have over 40 ''if' statments after each other, and was wondring if i should end each statement with ''return''.

After looking around online and reading some mixed answers, I was was hoping some of you could tell me if you would have used "return"? and why?


if ranNumber == 1 { label.text = "text"; score += 1 }

else if ranNumber == 2 { label.text = "text"; score += 1 }

else if ranNumber == 3 { label.text = "text"; score += 1 }


Ore should i throw away all the ''if'' statements, and take a diffrent approach to make it shorter? Any suggestions? (except from the switch statement)



if ranNumber == 1 { label.text = "text"; scoreA += 1 }

else if ranNumber == 2 { label.text = "text"; scoreB += 1 }

else if ranNumber == 3 { label.text = "text"; scoreC += 1 }

it would be better to use a switch statement:

switch ranNumber {

case 1 : labelText = "text1"

scoreA += 1

case 2: labelText = "text2"

scoreB += 1

default : labelText = "error"


The answer to whether a return is needed in each if statement depends on the entire code in your function/method and what you actually intend to happen in the function/method.

Anyway, consider using an array of scores instead of an individual variable for each score. A simplistic example:

let numberOfScores = 40
var scores = Array(repeating: 0, count: numberOfScores)

func updateScores(usingNumber number: Int) {
  // Assuming number will be in range 1...numberOfScores.
  // An array's indices are zero-based, so subtract 1 from number to form the corresponding index.
  let index = number - 1
  scores[index] += 1

func updateLabel(usingNumber number: Int) {
  // Some code.

let number = 3 // an Int in range 1...numberOfScores
updateScores(usingNumber: number)
updateLabel(usingNumber: number)

I generally try to avoid conditionals in situations like this. What is the scope of

? For example:
  • If

    has a relatively limited set of values, I might use an
    and then have the text and score increments be properties of that enum
  • If

    has a lot of related values, I might derive the text and scores algorithmically from it
  • If

    has lots of unrelated values, I might use a table to map
    to the text and score

If you can expand your description of the problem we should be able to offer you more concrete advice.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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