Sandbox IAP - SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503 : Cannot connect to iTunes Store

Hello StoreKit Engineers,

I am unable to fetch SKProducts using StoreKit framework at this point in time. I am getting this particular error message in SKRequestDelegate:

Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store, SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503}

in SKRequestDelegate:

- (void)request:(SKRequest *)request didFailWithError:(NSError *)error

We were able to purchase auto-renewable subscriptions via IAP last week, but no luck this morning! 😟

Please let me know if the iTunes Sandbox environment is returning 503's errors. Looking forward to your reply at the earliest.

Thank You,

- Premal

Accepted Reply

We had the same issue, but now it seems to be resolved.


We had the same issue, but now it seems to be resolved.