Warnings after Xcode update. Should I resubmit my application?


Yesterday I submitted my application for WWDC scholarship.

Today I updated Xcode and in my Swift playground it gives me 3 warnings. They are both the same, that I should change M_PI to Double.pi.

The whole playground is running OK and everything works.

Is it possible to delete my current application and submit a new one?

Is it very big problem or I should leave it as it is?


If you want to resubmit one application, you still have time now. You could go to the Apply page and click 'withdraw application', that will cancel your previous application. And then you could start a new one. Remember that your essay responses and files uploaded will not be saved when you withdraw your application, so you need to answer all the questions and enter all the information again if you withdraw the current one and start a new one.

Good luck!

Thank you for your reply.

Do you think it is worth it? Because it is fully functional, it just have 3 warnings.

I'd wait a bit to see if Apple issues an advisory.

Edit: See pdm's comment below

My pleasure. If you want to make your code be perfect and without any warnings, you still have the chance and time to resubmit a perfect one. But also, since the 3 warnings you mentioned don't affect the function, you could also choose not to make a change. It's up to you to make a choice.

Best wishes on your submission,

S Ma

It's always appreciated when code has zero warnings so I'd personally recommend resubmitting since you can. While it might not affect functionality if I were reviewing playgrounds and was in a position of having to recommend two playgrounds, if one had warnings and the other didn't I'd lean in the directions of no warnings. 🙂

Sometimes my playground does not work as intended, and this happens around 1/5 of the time. I can't find a fix for this, so I hope the judges don't experience the bug!

What happens when it doesn't work as intended? There's a discussion in another thread about playgrounds not being reponsive to user input on 8.3. Is that what you're seeing?