Xcode gone mad

My Xcode has gone mad. It gives me a lot of errors, about 17. But I'm sure all my code are correct. For example, I've written extern int ... in .h file, but still got this error "Use of undeclared identifier" in .m file. All the code which had gotten "Use of undeclared identifier" have been declared in .h file. Please help.Thanks

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The problem is because of I have imported GameScene.m in other file instead of .h. I changed it and it works fine. I have a quetion about the rename of project. I've renamed the project and also Product -> Clean build folder. The project name changed completely except the path /Users/myname/Desktop/newname/oldname/. The "Upload to App Store" and "Validate" buttons are disabled when I Product ->Archive and I got the warning "The provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: oldBundleID" is expiring soon". Please help me. Thanks


Actually, I've renamed Xcode a few days ago. I opened the project document outside Xcode, I found out that some of the files in the project still use the old name of the project, so I renamed them. I opened Xcode, I see this: All the files are empty and shows "No Editor", the names of the files are red in color, the error are still not fixed. Please help. Thanks

If you must rename Xcode, leave the latest version alone and just tweak earlier versions...same for Xcode beta.

I don't see why that change would affect a project, tho.

What process did you use to rename the project? Did you do an option-clean afterwards? Hold the option key, then use Xcode's Product menu and choose to 'clean build folder'.