Source IP Addresses used for Apple Pay Web Merchant Domain Verification

Have Apple published a list of source IP address that will be used for Apple Pay Web Merchant Domains verification?

I use public cloud VM to logged and were used for such action. Anyone know have Apple published list of source IPs that would be used for Apple Pay Web Merchant Domains verification? Like the list publshed for merchant validation on Listing 1

Such that I can allow those IPs to access our testing/pre-production site before production launch.


Dear Gavin

Have you received any other resources to solve the enquiry you have raised? Actually my company also experiences the same incident recently. We traced that anoher IP: were attempting to communicating with the our testing web server for domain verification. Not sure whether it's a server from Apple Pay. However, this IP was not published in any Apple Pay documentation.

My company also wants to add the Apple Pay server IP to whitelist so as to grant access to our testing/pre-production site, while blocking network traffics from non-Apple Pay server.

Hi Gavin

Did you find a list of IPs?