CallKit - Call Detection


I need to monitor in my app which interacts with BLE when a user is on the phone or not due to a limitation with some devices and BLE. I've written a basic call observer to test - but when the application is backgrounded it is not receiving any updates. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get call status notifications in the background?

class ViewController: UIViewController{
  @IBOutlet weak var callStatusLabel: UILabel!
  var callObs : CXCallObserver!

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    callObs = CXCallObserver()
    callObs.setDelegate(self, queue: nil)
    print("Monitoring Calls")
    callStatusLabel.text = "Monitoring..."
    self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
  override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

extension ViewController : CXCallObserverDelegate
  func callObserver(_: CXCallObserver, callChanged: CXCall)
      print("Call Ended")
      callStatusLabel.text = "Call Ended"
      self.view.backgroundColor =
    else if(callChanged.hasConnected)
      print("Call Connected")
      callStatusLabel.text = "Call Connected"
      self.view.backgroundColor =

I currently have the following Background modes enabled:

  • Audio, AirPlay & PIP
  • Loc Updates
  • VOIP
  • External accessory comm
  • Uses BLE
  • Background Fetch


I've also been trying to figure out how to get the call status when my app is in the background. I realize I'm replying to this 2 years later, but I'm still shocked that Apple hasn't made this functionality possible. CallKit needs to be geared toward more than just VoIP.