License Agreement - Medical App

Dear colleagues,

I am Antonio, developer for medical apps.

I am starting a new adventure which , I hope, to submit as soon as possible on the market. (15 days max)

This app is directed only to doctors: it's a sort of social. Let's say Facebook for cardiologist.

They will post electrocardiogram and x ray on which the patient ID will be hidden by a white box.

These photos, ECG and other instrumental exams, will be uploaded on my server.

The question is:

should I insert in my app a sort of "license agreement" about these data ?

I am very ignorant on this..

can anyone explain to me please?



Patient data is more about privacy - not sure how you plan on licensing it.

If you're asking about your app, instead, you can apply your own EULA as part of the submittal process.

If, however, this is about protecting user personal info, the medical industry has established practices that vary by country, etc. - where will your app be to start your research there.

Good luck w/the 2 week market target.

There are various requirements for transmitting patient data and assuring confidentiality (search HIPPA privacy rule). You will need to understand those requirements and be sure your app satisfies them. You may need to inform the user of certain uses and restrictions - so, yes, you will need to insert something like that in your app.


many thanks for your answers.

Could you clarify these things to me, please?

1. EULA agreement - This is done WHEN i upload the app on the apple store, is it right? I mean : it's something I should add on the apple website at the act of submission. I assume the user that will download the app, automatically accept also the EULA agreement. So, I should NOT add anything INSIDE the app to inform the user? Something like a disclaimer..when app starts.

2.Basically, my App is social facebook for medical doctors. Users will transmit info regarding JUST and ONLY instrumental exam, very specific exams from certain patients. What happens if an user that is very stupid will post a image with the ID of the patient? Who will go to the prison? Me or him? I inserted a button on the app (report this) which is a red flag ...but I am not sure this will be enough.


HIPPA rules are applicable throughout the U.S, no matter locale. You need to be completely familiar with the HIPPa rules before you proceed with anything that involves Protected Data.

The fines are STEEP for HIPPA violations.