Master Detail app and iPhone Plus

I wrote an app using the MasterDetail template app. It is now rather complex and works well. However, the other day I noticed some issues with the iPhone Plus when it's in landscape mode. With the iPhone and iPad, viewWillAppear (and similar methods) are called whenever the master view is displayed, but not the iPhone Plus when it's in landscape mode. I can toggle the master view back and forth on the on the iPhone Plus while in landscape mode and viewWIllAppear is never called more than the first time.

This causes problems for my app on the iPhone Plus in landscape mode because it depends on viewWillAppear being called whenever the master view is displayed. Is this a bug, or is there another approach?

Thanks in advance.


Hello KyleKai,

That particular orientation on that particular device is special. I suggest you read the documentation on adaptive user interfaces:

Thanks for the reply John, I'll take a look.

I'd like to also point out that the Master Detail template created by Xcode also does not work correctly for the iPhone Plus. I would expect better from an Xcode template.

>I would expect better from an Xcode template.

Splitview, aka master-detail, was long meant for iPad only.

I'dd keep my expectations low for other devices.

As well, feel free to use the bug report link below right to let Apple know what you'd like to see changed/improved about it's current use.

Good luck.


I downloaded the sample project AdaptivePhotos from the referenced URL, and ran the AdaptiveStoryboard project on the iPhone 7 Plus.

After a few minutes, I ended up with this screenshot:

It shows the master view with nothing selected, yet there is a selection visible on the detail view. It seems either the correct item should be selected on the master view, or there should be nothing showing on the detail view.

Yes, again, even basic SVC implemenations are brittle on iP7+ - best to take the hint, I thiink.