Bug in codesign and SecCodeCheckValidityWithErrors?


I have a command line tool that is codesigned with a valid Developer ID Application certificate/identity (which expires in 2018)

When this command line tool is checked in its build folder with codesign -vvvvvvvvv, everything is OK:

mytool: valid on disk

mytool: satisfies its Designated Requirement

When this command line tool is checked in its installed location with codesign -vvvvvvvvv, there is a problem:

mytool: invalid signature (code or signature have been modified)

In architecture: x86_64

Now, the weird part:

- the md5 for the 2 instances are the same

- the sha-1 for the 2 instances are the same

- if I rename the instance in the installed location like this:

mv mytool mytool2

and then check with codesign -vvvvvvvv, everything is OK.

If I put back the old name and check it with codesign -vvvvvvvv, same problem about the invalid signature.


If the running process mytool (in the installed location) is checked with SecCodeCheckValidityWithErrors, an error is returned: -67061.

Of course, this error code is not documented.


- What is the error code -67061 supposed to mean? The CFError returned by the function does not explain anything.

- How can an executable be OK with one name and not with another one from a codesigning perspective? I'm beginning to wonder if the tool is not incorrectly blacklisted by one of the hidden OS lists (but I can't remember right now the locations of these 2 files). At least, it's not by XProtect.


Mac OS X 10.8.5


Answer to the second question:

If the executable is codesigned and then put inside the MacOS folder of a bundle whose CFBundleExecutable is set to the name of the executable, then the coesign validation will fail if the bundle itself is not codesigned.

I will file a bug report to get error -67061 be properly documented.

Of course, this error code is not documented.

That’d be

, from

Just FYI, QA1499 Security Framework Error Codes is a great resource for this sort of thing.

If the executable is codesigned and then put inside the MacOS folder of a bundle whose CFBundleExecutable is set to the name of the executable, then the coesign validation will fail if the bundle itself is not codesigned.

Ah, yes. The exact definition of a bundle has always been a bit fuzzy and code signing has to use various heuristics (guesses) for determine whether something is a bundle or not.

I will file a bug report to get error -67061 be properly documented.


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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

I have a variant of this issue on some OS X versions (10.8, 10.9, maybe 10.10). It does seem to work fine in 10.13++.

MyApplication.app is codesigned and is installed in /Applications/MyFolder/

MyApplication.app/Contents/MacOS contains a helper tool MyHelperTool which is codesigned too (same certificate)

MyApplication.app is running with pid PID_A

MyHelperTool is running.

MyHelperTool retrieves a SecCodeRef for PID_A and then checks the validity of the SecCodeRef using SecCodeCheckValidityWithErrors.

This fails with error errSecCSSignatureFailed.

If I move MyApplications.app to /Applications/MyFolder/MySubFolder and the same running instance of MyHelperTool tries to perform the same check operation, the check succeeds.


Are there known bugs/issues in older versions of OS X that prevents an embedded helper tool to check the validity of the running executable of its embedding bundle?