Possible for App's data Sandbox to live across installs?

Is it possible for an Apps sandbox data to persist across installs? If a user uninstalls an app and immediately reinstalls, is there any scenario in which the App's data is not removed during the uninstall and the fresh install "inherits" the sandbox? Trying to locate the root cause of some interesting behavior surounding APNs Feedback token uninstall being ingested while the app itself still has files that were persisted in the App's Data Sandbox /Library folder. Either APNs Feedback service thought a token was uninstalled when in fact it wasnt, or, somehow data was still on disk when the app was reinstalled


Is it possible for an Apps sandbox data to persist across installs?

What platform are you working on?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

I'm pretty sure this question split off from a discussion of APN delivery results for iOS devices.

The theory that came out of the original thread is that the explanation for the APN feedback service result fields is misleading.

Because the documentation for the APN feedback service implies that the only reason a push token would be reported on the feedback service is if the app is uninstalled. The hypothesis from the thread was that all "device contacted, token rejected" results end up being treated the same way and that the documentation wasn't updated to account for the new failure causes.

Edit: The related discussion thread: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/72964