Server 5.3 and 10.12.4 Profile Manager

After Upgrading to the above systems I am unable to access or use Profile Manager with a 404 error.

After disabling both Websites and Profile Manager doing a restart and then enabling Profile Manger I am able to ge told that the service is not running but at least I am getting a webpage now.

Anybody know how to get this to work?


You are not alone. 10.12.4 beta2 and Server 5.3

It's a releif to know its not just me, I guess just wait for the next Beta either 10.12.4 Beta 3 or Server 5.3 Beta 2 will fix it

Server 5.3 Beta 2 is out. Waiting for 10.12.4 Beta 3.

After updating 10.12.4 Beta, Profile Manager seems to be on duty again.