Xcode 8 wont Index project

I tried to test an app on Xcode 7 on my iphone.

Not possible with iOS 10.2, have to run my project in Xcode 8.

Not possible to run Xcode 8 on mac OS El Capitain, need os Sierra.

Spent nearly 20 hours downloading Sierra where I had to quit twice as installation stalled.

Eventually got it and then downloaded Xcode 8 beta.

Several very frustrating hours later after trying solutions on stackoverflow and Google (bar re-coding all my array literals)- Xcode will still not index my project, it will stay stuck for hours on end.

Apple is a nightmare, whenever I see a notification to update I dread it, it is nearly impossible to develop an app for Mac OS or iOS when Apple release these rubbish updates, nearly 2 days later and what should of been a simple straightforward sersis of updates has taken me days with no end in sight.

And to contact Apple directly its nearly 30US to establish an open line of communication.

Apple was built on a reputation of reliability and quality, nowadays this could not be further from the truth.

Why isn't more vigourous testing carried out before such major releases


Xcode is horrible, agreed.