how i can get approval number from china?

Hi Everyone i am not from china but we are also selecting china country while publishing our games on any one having idea we need also get approval code from china govt?if every developer need this approval code plz guid me the process of aproval?becuase today i saw news in my itunes from apple about game license in China.
THanks in advance

yes really it is confusing for all developer may still searching how we can get number

The effective date was July 1 2016 for Chinese developers, not foreign developers who publish in China. But the fact that Apple is giving this notice to developers on iTunesConnect now means that from now on it's also applicable to non-Chinese developers.

I asked this question of Apple Developer Support -- if it applies to non-Chinese developers. They couldn't give me any information above and beyond that which was already listed on the ITC home screne.

>that which was already listed on the ITC home screne.

Not much point in that being in English if it only applied to CN devs 😉

yes you are right may be i have also consult with apple by calling they also dont have much information regarding this issue..strange but we should accept apple dont have information..i think we sould solve this matter..i consult with one chines friend he said this law is not for non chines developers its just for chines developers..but i think we need more research about this because KMT is not agree with us he still saying it is applied on all developers..plz search and i am also searching and contacting in china..if we found any solution we should share with us..

Has anyone figured this out yet ? im also wondering how to get the approval number

I would say forget about it if Apple has started to check the approval number for China market.

For the rule is so rediculous that even individual developers in China could hardly get it.

1st, any indie developer in China who wants to apply for this number, has to find an agent company who has the RIGHT to publish, and publish the game in the name of that agent company. For the "publish right" is very hard to get in china and only company can apply for the right. So how much do you think the agents will charge you?

2nd, the apply process is rediculous: you need to provide iPhones with celluar network enabled simcard to the authorities. If you are developing a multiplayer game, you need to provide multiple iphones. If you are developing a cross platform game, you need to provide different phones. Well, they won't keep you phone forever, just during the review period, say couple of months...

3rd, you have to burn 6 CD-Rs of your game and send them by mail, NOT email.

4th, expect for the $ you pay to the agent, you have to pay $ to authorities too.

... I don't to list any more details here. In general, mininum, you may have to pay around US$5000 and wait for several months before you can get the approval number.

The truth is, indie developers in China have F-word the authorities over and over again but they can do nothing about it...

The laws, rules and procedures are always changing, but I have an always up-to-date, detailed breakdown of the process and requirements of getting a Chinese game license here:

The Apple App Store in China currently requires a games license number for games that have in-app purchases. Generally speaking, although all games distributed in China are technically required to get a license, at present time the Chinese regulatory agencies are more strict on games and apps that generate revenue (through either in-app purchases or ads) than those that do not.

Please note that non-Chinese companies/developers can publish games in China, but they need to partner with a Chinese company like ours (AppInChina) to get a game license, as non-Chinese companies are not allowed to directly apply for a game license from SAPPRFT. These agreements can be made without losing any copyright or control over your game or app.

how i can get approval number from china?