Remove manually annotation from MKMapView

Hello everyone.

I would like to remove manually annotation from MKMapView.

I add two annotations using the addAnnotation: ([self.mapView addAnnotation:item.placemark];)

Then I would like to remove these annotations manually as following:

[self.mapView removeAnnotation:self.mapView.annotations[0]];


[self.mapView removeAnnotation:self.mapView.annotations[1]];

I do not want to remove both annotations at once using the

[self.mapView removeAnnotations:[self.mapView annotations]];

I would like to keep sometimes the annotation[0] and substitute the annotation[1] with a new one or the opposite.

Is it possible?



P.S: I am using the

(MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mV viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation delegate function.


As far as I searched it is not possible.

I tried to store any MKMapView annotation in my NSArray in order to control the sequence of annotations.

But it seems to me that I am still missing something.

If anybody knows alternative ways for this issue, I would really appreciate it.
