Screen Size use

The Screen Size on an iPad Pro is 1366 x 1024 points rendered to 2732 x 2048 pixels.

The View size used in the Storyboard of an iPad Pro is 1366 x 1024 points.

So when this view presents an object of the class SKScene, should this SKScene object also have a size of 1366 x 1024 points or 2732 x 2048 points?

Should any artwork used in this SKScene object be 1366 x 1024 pixels or 2732 x 2048 pixels


Right, make your art sized for 2732 * 2048 to take advantage of the retina display, but keep your view in the normal coordinate range of 1366 x 1024

I suppose you could make the scene 2732 * 2048 . By default its going to scale down then to fit the screen's point size of 1366 x 1024 . Either way, you're squishing more pixels into a smaller area.