Call Directory Extensions no longer work with iOS 10.3 beta

I've got an app that uses the Call Directory Extension has has been working fine for several months.

I updated a device to 10.3 beta and the app now fails (it was working before the update). Tried it with another device and its the exact same error.

The XCode log shows this internal Apple error when getEnabledStatusForExtensionWithIdentifier is called:

*** Unable to check enabled status of call extension 1 sqlite3_prepare_v2 for query 'SELECT id, bundle_id, priority, state, state_last_modified FROM Extension WHERE bundle_id = ?' returned 1 errorMessage 'no such column: state_last_modified'

The extension is not appearing in the Call Blocking & Identification section of Settings.

Anybody else experiencing a similar issue?


Yep, this is totally broken in 10.3. Even the Apple XCode template project doesn't work:

- Create a new XCode project template

- Add the Call Directory Extension target to it

- build and run

- the extension does not appear in Call Blocking & Identification.

We're seeing this in our app too. Filed with Apple via — please make sure you do also! 🙂

Filled one out too

Same problem and also filed.

We are aware of this issue with iOS 10.3 Beta 1 and are tracking the issue as rdar://problem/30045895. The issue will be resolved in an upcoming iOS 10.3 Beta.

