How do I list bluetooth devices that are in range with my device

I'm looking for a way to list devices that are nearby and in range of my Macbook Air 2015 11-Inch computer. I've looked into using IOBluetooth, but I cannot find any tutorials leading on how to perform inquiries and update a list of found devices programatically. Thanks!

Accepted Reply

1. Create an IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry instance.

2. Implement IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelegate somewhere, and set the delegate on the insance from step 1.

3. Call start.

4. Wait for the inquiry to process.

5. If the inquiry stops running, set up a timer to call start periodically.


1. Create an IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry instance.

2. Implement IOBluetoothDeviceInquiryDelegate somewhere, and set the delegate on the insance from step 1.

3. Call start.

4. Wait for the inquiry to process.

5. If the inquiry stops running, set up a timer to call start periodically.