Conditional Breakpoint Not Working

I can't seem to get any conditional breakpoints to work in Xcode 8. What am I doing wrong?

Here is the code, pretty simple example of an XML parser delegate that is being called perfectly:

- (void) parser : (NSXMLParser *) parser

didStartElement : (NSString * )elementName

namespaceURI : (nullable NSString *) namespaceURI

qualifiedName : (nullable NSString *) qName

attributes : (NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *) attributeDict {

// parse a bunch of stuff here


I can set a breakpoint in the code, even at the - (void) line no problem, it breaks. But when I try to set a condition in the breakpoint it ignores the condition.

For example, if the breakpoint has a condition of:

[attributeDict count] > 0

To check when there are attributes... then break, if not just pass on by. It continues to break every time. So I decide to make the condition impossible without redefining our number system:

0 > 1

and it breaks every time...

maybe Xcode operates in an anti-matter alternate 'not-universe' where physics is up side down on the other side of a black hole? Or maybe Xcode conditional break points are broken, will have to ponder... Any ideas?

Accepted Reply

More testing finds that a conditional breakpoint set for either of the following break every time:

0 > 1

1 == 0

Which suggests that Xcode is now powered by a Bistromathic Drive; so 0 > 1 and 1 == 0 are simply boolean recipriversexclusons in the debugger depending upon what restaurant I happen to visit.


More testing finds that a conditional breakpoint set for either of the following break every time:

0 > 1

1 == 0

Which suggests that Xcode is now powered by a Bistromathic Drive; so 0 > 1 and 1 == 0 are simply boolean recipriversexclusons in the debugger depending upon what restaurant I happen to visit.