Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3)

Hi all,

I am trying to practice metal coding in video stream in iOS 10.2 and my xCode version is 8.2.1. Unfortunately, I am suffering the error message as "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3)". I already set the camera capture session as "AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480". I would like to know if there is anyone who could find the workaround solution?

my sample code is as below.

required init(frame frameRect: CGRect) {

super.init(frame: frameRect, device: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice())

self.device = device

defaultLibrary = device!.newDefaultLibrary()

commandQueue = device!.makeCommandQueue()

let kernalFunction = defaultLibrary.makeFunction(name: "ObjectFilter")


pipelineState = try device!.makeComputePipelineState(function: kernalFunction!)



fatalError("Unable to create pipeline state")


threadsPerGroup = MTLSizeMake(8,8,1)


override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

guard let drawable = currentDrawable else




let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()

let commandEncoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()


commandEncoder.setTexture(self.cameraTexture, at: 0)

if(self.cameraTexture != nil){

numThreadgroups = MTLSizeMake((self.cameraTexture?.width)!/threadsPerGroup.width, (self.cameraTexture?.height)!/threadsPerGroup.height, 1)


numThreadgroups = MTLSizeMake(2048 / threadsPerGroup.width, 1536 / threadsPerGroup.height, 1)


commandEncoder.dispatchThreadgroups(numThreadgroups, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadsPerGroup)


let destinationTexture = drawable.texture

if self.cameraTexture != nil{

sobelFilter.encode(to: commandBuffer, sourceTexture: self.cameraTexture!, destinationTexture: destinationTexture)





kernel void ObjectFilter(texture2d<float, access::read> inputTexture [[texture(0)]],

texture2d<float, access::write> outTexture [[texture(1)]],

uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]){

float4 inputColor = inputTexture.read(gid);

float4 luminanceWeights = float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0);

float luminance = dot(inputColor, luminanceWeights);

float4 gray = float4(luminance, luminance, luminance, 1.0);

outTexture.write( float4(gray.rgb, 1.0), gid);



That error means that your GPU is timing out before the job can be finished. That can mean a few things, but two of them are:

  1. The job you gave it was too large, try splitting it up across multiple sub-grids.
  2. Counterintuitively, that the job you gave it was too small. For example if your threadgroupsPerGrid MTLSize that you pass to dispatchThreadgroups has zero in any of its dimensions and your image has some values in that dimension, your GPU will hang and give that error.

Make sure that the value for the number of threadgroupsPerGrid is > 0!

commandEncoder.dispatchThreadgroups(numThreadgroups, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadsPerGroup)

How do you know what IOAF code mean, have any other documentation mention these?