location services rejection


apple rejected my application with the below response. I use phonegap/cordova and i never had any issues with the below to request for gps location. Can some one advice me how to get approved? is it possible to add the disclaimer in the App description in Itunes Connect "Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."

Per our 5.1.5 guideline, it would be appropriate to update the reason within the app when the pop-up prompts the users for consent.

We are looking forward to reviewing your app once these issues are resolved.



Please read the words that you quoted, and note how you aren't addressing the specific issue.

Your app isn't being rejected because of the disclaimer. It's being rejected because you haven't updated the settings to specify a non-generic explanation to be displayed when the app is running.

Edit: From the documentation:

To build trust between the user and an app, an app that uses Core Location must include the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in its

file and set the value of that key to a string that describes how the app intends to use location data.

If you're not using Xcode, figure out what you need to do to set those values in your app.