Deadlock on UIWebView initWithFrame


The watchdog kills my app sometimes when I instanciate a UIWebView. This seems to be due to a deadlock (or maybe not "dead" but too long for the watchdog) caused by a lock in UIWebView's private init code.

Here is the stack trace:

libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x000000018cda1e64 __psynch_mutexwait + 8
libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018ce6bfa8 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 292
WebCore 0x000000019285e8d8 _WebTryThreadLock(bool) + 48
WebCore 0x000000019285eec4 WebThreadLock + 104
UIKit 0x00000001940e07e0 -[UIWebView _webViewCommonInitWithWebView:scalesPageToFit:] + 124
UIKit 0x0000000193e47b1c -[UIWebView initWithFrame:] + 72

And the watchdog error (after the 15s threshold):

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'BITCrashWatchdogMainThreadException', reason: 'The main thread was blocked for too long. Deadlock?'

Some more information:

- I create all my UIWebView in the main thread.

- I sometime create a lot of UIWebViews

- I sometime load big UIWebViews.

Do you have any idea why the UIWebView would lock here?


After digging a bit more, it sounds like there's always another thread churning in Javascript/WebCore land after calling `JSEventListener::handleEvent()` in response to an `ImageLoader` completing. It's possible that some images are loaded in the webviews. Could there be some kind of concurrency issue?


I have same question,how did you solve it?
