Add UIView with 3 UIButtons in a UIStackView

I would like to add a UIView which has 3 UIButtons in a UIStackView. The reason is that I would like to make this UIView transparent to the screen by altering its alpha. As far as I experienced, I see that I can add only one UIView which has just one subView (e.g. UIButton, UILabel etc) in a StackView avoiding problems of layout. I really appreciate if someone can provide any feedback.



If you upload to Dropbox, or a similar service, a basic example project which exhibits this problem, then people can take a look and offer advice.

I spend much more time on this and I see that it can be done.

However, I would like you recommendation on that:

Is it better to create each UIVIew(UIButton, UILabel etc) in IB standlone and then embed them as group in a UIView (via Editor->Embebd-> View) or shall I first create the UIView and then add each UIView item on it?

Do whatever is most convenient. As far as I know, the end result is the same: a view containing subviews.