MPMoviePlayerController iOS fullscreen function has wrong icon in iOS10

We use MPMoviePlayerController as embedded video player, but as of iOS 10 the fullscreen icon was changed to a different icon (sub title icon). This is confusing to our users. How do we display the expand button in iOS10? Is this a known iOS bug? Is this an intended change? If so I don't get it. Thanks for any help.

This question posted in stack overflow as well.


Based on the images on the stackoverflow post, that is not a new image for full screen.

That is the image for choosing subtitles/captions/audio.

I'm not sure why you aren't geting the full screen widget, but it isn't that the icon changed.

Yeah, I know that's the subtitle/captions icon. Crazy.... tapping this icon expand video to fullscreen. The functionality is there, just wrong icon.

Any additional thoughts? thx

Perhaps a display issue - like maybe both icons are there (with the subtitle icon on top of the full screen icon) and the event goes to the full screen icon first?

I'd try any of the following:

- a video that doesn't have any subtitles or captions (i'd expect to see the full screen icon again)

- look around in the view hierachy - see if the full screen button is there

- try making the controller view size a little bigger, see if anything changes

You should file a bug report.

I am noticing this too. MPMoviePlayerController is showing a caption icon on the right. Clicking the icon expands to fullscreen. Correct icon is displayed in full screen. This is occuring on ios 10.2 device and simulator. Has a solution or workaround been discovered or was a bug filled?

I gave a workaround on Stack Overflow. No amount of tweaking the view size will change anything as this is clearly a bug in the MediaPlayer framework where the fullscreenButton is assigned the caption icon: