Using the [[clip_distance]] attribute in a Metal shader?

In a Metal shader, I am trying to make use of the [[clip_distance]] attribute in the output structure of a vertex shader function as follows:

struct vtx_out {

    float4 gl_Position [[position]];

    float gl_ClipDistance[1] [[clip_distance]];


However, this results in the following shader compilation error:

<program source>:86:32: error: 'clip_distance' attribute cannot be applied to types

    float gl_ClipDistance[1] [[clip_distance]];


I am trying to compile this for running on a Mac running OS X El Capitan.

Why am I getting this error, and how can I make use of the [[clip_distance]] attribute?

Accepted Reply

It turns out the

attribute qualifier (or any attribute qualifier) must be applied to the array, not the array element. So...the correct declaration is...

float gl_ClipDistance [[clip_distance]] [1];

See this SO answer.

  • float gl_ClipDistance [[clip_distance]] [1]; (in VertexOut struct) This is not working anymore and xcode is giving error "Type 'VertexOut' is not valid for attribute 'stage_in'" . Does anyone have solution for this? Need to use mutliple clip planes

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This sounds like it could be a compiler bug. Could you file a Radar with a sample project that reproduces the issue and let us know the number here? Thanks.

It turns out the

attribute qualifier (or any attribute qualifier) must be applied to the array, not the array element. So...the correct declaration is...

float gl_ClipDistance [[clip_distance]] [1];

See this SO answer.

  • float gl_ClipDistance [[clip_distance]] [1]; (in VertexOut struct) This is not working anymore and xcode is giving error "Type 'VertexOut' is not valid for attribute 'stage_in'" . Does anyone have solution for this? Need to use mutliple clip planes

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