Facing issue while pushing changes from XCode 7.x / 8.x to TFS - Git repository

After Xcode has update to version 7.x / 8.x, I have a problem of pushing the changes from the local GIT to the remote TFS - GIT repository.

While pushing, I am getting the waring that The push operation failed because no matching remote could be found. Make sure there's a remote entry in your Git configuration for the remote URL 'https://abc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Project%20IOS/_git/Project-IOS'.

But, I am able to pull the changes from the same remote TFS - GIT repository

Unlike Xcode 7.x / 8.x, I am able to push the changes from Xcode 6.x and also able to push using Terminal.

Can somebody help me how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance


I'm in the same boat. Any solutions within XCode?