CLCircularRegion bug on iOS 10


I'm having issues with CLCircularRegion on an iOS 10 device.

I'm monitoring both circular and beacon regions : beacons works well on iOS 9 and 10, but circular are not.

Here is what i'm doing:

I call myLocationManager.startMonitoring(for:) with my region (beacon or circular),

the delegate method locationManager(_, didStartMonitoringFor:) is called,

from within that method, I call myLocationManager.requestState(for:) with the region, in order to check if the user is already in a region.

the delegate method locationManager(_ didDetermineState: for:) is then called with the state for the region.

For beacons I sometime have unknown state, but some seconds after the state is found => that's great

For circular I sometime have unknown state as well, and the state is never called again, so I create a timer that will call again requestState(for:) some seconds later, and that works well on iOS 9, but the state stays undefinitely unknown on iOS 10 !

Any idea of the reason ?

Am I doing something bad ?
