Hi everyone,
So I reported a bug to Apple in WatchOS, and thought, this is great, I will be able to see when it is resolved. I quickly lost that warm and fuzzy feeling when it was closed as a duplicate of another case number. I cannot find a way to track that other case number. Does anyone know if there is any way to continue to track bug repoorts when they are closed as duplicate (other than watching the release notes for each following version)?
Apple, if you are listening, 🙂 I would love to be able to see the existing bug reports. This would make my life as a developer much easier to know that there is an open bug report for something I am trying to implement (as well as being a solution to my problem above). If the reason for not allowing this viewability is that you want a guage of how many people the bug affects by the number of reports, allow a "voting" option on each report so users can vote that the bug is affecting them.
The reason is privacy, some bug reporters include project and source files in their reports. If everyone could see the reports, they could see the source files attached to those reports. In addition, hackers could troll the reporting system looking for security vulnerabilities.
There is no harm in filing duplicate bugs, Apple uses this to gauge how serious a bug is.
If you want to find bug reports that might be similar to yours, go to openradar.me. People will copy their Apple bug reports on that site.