Search Ad Attribution Discrepancies

I'm using the following code to track Search Ad attribution. Half the time though, "iad-attribution" is true, yet there's no "iad-campaign-name" or "iad-conversion-date". If there's no date or campaign, does that mean that the install should not be attributed or that it just couldn't get this information? From what I can tell "iad-attribution" is incorrectly set to true becuase right now I've attributed more installs to Apple Search then the Apple dashboard shows. However, if I only look at attribution that include a "iad-campaign-name" then it's about 77% of Apple reported downloads (meaning ~23% may have not have opened the app) which seems closer to correct.

    [[ADClient sharedClient] requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:^(NSDictionary *attributionDetails, NSError *error) {
        if (error.code == ADClientErrorLimitAdTracking) {
        } else if (error) {
        } else {
            __block NSDictionary *iAdCampaignInfo = (NSDictionary *)attributionDetails[@"Version3.1"];
            __block BOOL foundVersionKey = YES;
            if(!iAdCampaignInfo) {
                [((NSDictionary *)attributionDetails) enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
                    foundVersionKey = [[key lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"version"];
                    if(foundVersionKey) {
                        iAdCampaignInfo = (NSDictionary *)obj;
                    *stop = foundVersionKey;
            if (foundVersionKey) {
                if (iAdCampaignInfo[@"iad-attribution"]) {
                    BOOL isIadAttributed = [iAdCampaignInfo[@"iad-attribution"] boolValue];
                    if (isIadAttributed) {
                        if ([self isFakeIadAttribution:iAdCampaignInfo]) {
                            // fake ad
                        } else {
                            NSLog(@"Valid iAd campaign attribution info detected: %@", iAdCampaignInfo);

                            if (iAdCampaignInfo[@"iad-campaign-name"]) {
                              // track campaign
                            if (iAdCampaignInfo[@"iad-conversion-date"]) {
                               // track install date

- (BOOL)isFakeIadAttribution:(NSDictionary *)dict {
    NSString *fakeId = @"1234567890";
    return [(NSString *)dict[@"iad-campaign-id"] isEqualToString:fakeId]
    || [(NSString *)dict[@"iad-lineitem-id"] isEqualToString:fakeId]
    || [(NSString *)dict[@"iad-creative-id"] isEqualToString:fakeId];