What does "Currently being moderated." mean?

I wrote a reply to a question in a discussion. At the top, it says "Currently being moderated." and I believe the reply is not visible to the general public. Is this the case? Can anyone explain what "Currently being moderated." means, and if I have done something wrong, and, if so, what I can do to fix it?

Accepted Reply

I don't think you've done anything *wrong*; it most likely means your post included a link to a non apple.com site and they have to check to make sure you're not a spammer. Hopefully they won't take too long moderating. They just posted a bunch of threads from two weeks ago 😟


I don't think you've done anything *wrong*; it most likely means your post included a link to a non apple.com site and they have to check to make sure you're not a spammer. Hopefully they won't take too long moderating. They just posted a bunch of threads from two weeks ago 😟

I did include a link to a non-Apple site. Thank you!

One of my posts (https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/10243) is "Currently being moderated" for 4 days now. In the post I linked to an external page which I couldn't remove since the action button does nothing but show a spinning progress bar. Not cool.

You should use following notation to avoid "currently being moderated"


It is not the solution.

Sure it is, but since there are any number of ways to break a url in a comment, it is just one.

The key word is 'break'. Blacklisted urls that function/not broken are prohibited.

h t t p s : / / www.lynda.com/iOS-tutorials/Taking-screenshots-iOS-Simulator/424041/446148-4.html

...is yet another. The burden is on the reader to make them functional. A broken url is the only way to succeed and share otherwise banned links here, so...

Apple dev center links are ok, as are stackover, which I guess is cleared since Apple engrs. seem to help out there more than here...I wonder if that has anything to do with how borked this forum package really is.