Help with developer rejected binary

OK, so I somehow had the wrong program id in my update to my app. OK, that is a bit of a pain, because you cannot apparently just resubmit the corrected binary. So I followed the following steps

1. I submitted the app for review because there appears no way to reject a binary prior to submitting it for review.

2. I rejected the binary

3. I tried to add a new build with a higher build number which is what I understand you have to do.

4. Itunes connect proceeds to only offer me the ability to add a TVos build ---- ARRGH!!!!

So what is the secrete to getting connect to allow me to add and iOS build.

Your help or insight is appreciated,



OK, I was able to stumble through this and for anybody else who encounters this problem here is what I ended up doing.

  1. To begin with as I stated in my original post, I had rejected my own binary.
  2. In Itunes connect, I could not add a new version as I was only being given the choice to create a TVos version.
  3. I came a cross a post outside of this forum that stated there was a delete button in the build portion of a rejected binary app in connect.
  4. I actually found the button and clicked on it.
  5. OK, now the app showed ready for submit?? A bit strange
  6. Not quite knowing what to do next I decided to upload the updated archive from Xcode. Xcode actually came to a successful conclusion on this step
  7. Looking in the build portion of connect page, now both version of the app appeared as choices for submission, but the updated version was in a processing state
  8. I had to wait some time, but eventually the updated version switched to being available.
  9. I selected the updated version and tapped the submitt for review button
  10. The updated version was submitted and the old rejected version disappeared.
  11. The App now showed two versions, the production versiion and the updated version which was in review.

I hope this might help, but check the date if you use this as Apple seems to change how things work frequently does in my opinion a good job of hiding the changes. To me it is always stressful submitting an app because of the fear of somehow messing up customers that use the app and the little gottchas that always seem to show up


I struggled with this for ages. Thanks Jim for your explanation.

One extra point is that the delete button (as mentioned by Jim) in the Build section of a rejected build only shows up when you hover the mouse over the build number! I only found this by accident.

Come on Apple, make things a bit clearer for developers who, by this time, are already frustrated.

This helped me, thanks! For anyone trying to follow the above advice, there are a bunch of places you might try to "hover over the build number" to delete it, but you need to do it on the main page for that release. This is the same page where you previously rejected it, where your screenshots, app description, etc are display.