xcodebuild archive with framework target dependency

I have a project with an application target and a framework target.

I have the application setup with the framework as a target dependency.

The framework is setup with no provisioning profile since it is signed when it is copied into the application.

When I build the application through xcode it correctly builds the application with its profile and builds the framework without one.

When I use the xcodebuild tool I am passing in the profiles and bundle id. When I do this it is trying to sign the framework with that profile which casuses an error becuase the framework is setup to not use a profile. Here is the error I get

NMAFAFramework does not support provisioning profiles. NMAFAFramework does not support provisioning profiles, but provisioning profile "Profile" has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to "Automatic" in the build settings editor.

The same problem happens if I set the Frameworks target to automatic provisioning.

Is there a way to prevent the xcodebuild command from passing the profile parameters to its target dependencies?



We're also seeing this issue when using CI, did you find a solution? I have been struggling for past three days now 😢