AU look-ahead or partial render

Is it possible to pull input from Audio Unit (v3) in excess of the requested frames to render in real-time, not offline? Or, is it possible to render some of the frames and wait for additional input? Either way would be fine.

By the way, the docs on Audio Units are a mess at this time, I find. A newcomer to the API is met with the challenge to filter through what applies to v2 and v3, and many doc articles are out-dated. To me, I'd say the docs of v2 and v3 should be separate programming guides — that would make it less confusing.


Have you tried requesting much shorter buffers to get a nearly equivalent effect? (and without blocking the real-time audio thread.)

Regarding documentation - we are working on an Audio Unit Extension programming guide which will supersede the current Audio Unit Programming guide which is no longer current. While there are some conceptual bits and pieces from the current Version 2 guide that still apply, the v3 API and packaging is totally different and references to C++, AU base classes, components and so on do not apply.

I suggest taking a look at the maximumFramesToRender property of v3 which is bridged to kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice.
