issue in playing secure video url in UIWEbview in ios 10

I am facing issue in playing a video in ios 10 inside UIWebview. Which is working perfectly fine in ios 8 and 9 all versions. Scenario is i am trying to load html5 code with video tag in webview and source link. and Video url is secured url. We are trying to load the video after setting up the authenticate token in http cookie storage in webview. Which works perfectly fine in iOS 9 but not working in iOS 10.


I'm not sure if this will solve your issue, but I was having trouble on certain devices getting inline videos to play correctly (for example it worked fine on iPhone 6s, but not on iPad 4).

After a bunch of head scratching and googling, what solved my problem was ensuring that the allowsInlineMediaPlayback was set to true:

@IBOutlet weak var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    webView.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true