It would be better if Xcode also shows properties and methods when using `$0/$1` in closure like `sort`

See below code,

videoFiles.sort { (f1, f2) -> Bool in
    return <
videoFiles.sort { $ < $ }

I can use the seond `sort` to replace the first one. However, if I am someone who always prefers to what Xcode suggests, I probably will use

videoFiles.sort { $ < $ }

because Xcode suggests `0` and `1` after you type `$0.`, without suggesting any instance properties or methods of `VideoFile`.

I do know `(f1, f2)` is considerred as a turple. I just don't like the suggestions Xcode provides. I think using `$0, $1...` is better than `$0.1, $0.2...`.

Xcode 8.0 (8A218a), Swift 3, macOS Sierra 10.12 (16A323).