ReplayKit Live Devices?

I've been able to get ReplayKit Live to broadcast using an iPhone SE. However, it doesn't seem to be working on my iPad Mini 2. Both are running iOS 10. Are only certain devices able to broadcast?

From the code side, calling startBroadcastWithHandler: calls the completion block without any errors, so I would expect the broadcast to work. I've tested it with both Mobcrush and Periscope as the service. Mobcrush just doesn't seem to start the broadcast, Periscope seems to start it, but no stream gets pushed to it. In both cases, my RPBroadcastController instance returns NO for isBroadcasting after I start a broadcast.


Same here, I cannot get it to work on iPad, but works on various iPhones. Not sure if we can safely assume that it does not work on iPad???

Did you guys ever get this to work? I have the same issue - only MobCrush works, Periscope/YouTube don't - and I'm wondering if ReplayKit broadcast just isn't supported by anyone actually or whether I'm doing something wrong.