Device Build fail after upgrading to Xcode 8

Since upgrading to Xcode 8 I cannot run any app on my iPhone. The build fails with error:

error: Task failed with exit 0 signal 11

I can run the apps on the simulators, just not on a device.

The full error message:

Please help.

Coby Reshef

The full error message:

error: Task failed with exit 0 signal 11 {

/usr/bin/codesign '--force' '--sign' '7F49C2A625C8976762BDEA351F8DA88E4F6FED22' '--verbose' '/Users/reshef/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testXcode-eltpwhxdshmmlygolxcnsroevmoo/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'



Do you have a paid Individual Developer Account?

Do you have at least one device registered in the Member Center/Devices?

Hey, did you solve it? I run into the same error and I feel like I've tried everything.

My “solution” was to open a new user on my mac and re-start. Sorry.