Creating iOS/OSX Frameworks: is it necessary to codesign them before distributing to other developers?

I am learning how to create iOS and OSX frameworks. Let's take iOS for example, the following steps work for me so far:

- xcodebuild framework using -sdk iphonesimulator and Build action

- xcodebuild framework using -sdk iphoneos and Build action

- Use lipo tool to create universal binary so that lipo -info produces expected: "Architectures in the fat file: Foo.framework/Foo are: i386 x86_64 armv7 arm64"

The questions are:

1) I read that my framework is to be re-signed by developer who is using it: "Code Sign on Copy" but I don't understand what are preconditions for it i.e. should I add codesign step to codesign that universal binary with my signing identity before I distribute it to other developers? In other words: are authors of third-party frameworks (me) are responsible for code signing of the frameworks they distribute to other developers or everything in an app including third-party frameworks is supposed to be signed by a developer of that app?

2) if previous is positive - should I use my "iPhone Distribution: ..." identity or "iPhone Developer: ..." is enough (so that my framework being a part of some iOS project passes all kinds of validations especially App Store validation)?.

Background for my answer is the "CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Framework' in SDK 'iOS 8.3'" which I have seen on a number of third-party frameworks or "code object is not signed at all" (one example: issue I reported on Realm#1998:

So I want to be sure that users of my frameworks will not encounter any codesigning issues when they use them.


Creating iOS/OSX Frameworks: is it necessary to codesign them before distributing to other developers?