Xcode 8 autocompletion

Why does Xcode 8 not autocomple methods and protocol methods? They don't even popup in the suggestions and when they do the editor does autocomplete the full signature with the arguments! This is so frustrating. (This doesn't work in Swift 2.3 and Swift 3.0). Any way to make it work?


I experienced the same problem and found that my project needed to be re-indexed. A simple restart of Xcode solved the issue for me.

Tried searching the Internet, pretty much every solution I could find. XCode 8 Auto-Complete only works some of the time. Went to XCode > Preferences > Components > Documentation. Downloaded all the latest Guides and Sample Code. Still not working. Type NSTimer - no completion whatsover. Can't get Auto Complete to work.

Doh!!! NSTimer is replaced with Timer in XCode 8. So completion apparently is working. Sorry for the noise.