Push on OS X using Enterprise account does not work?

Dear All,

I have an Apple Enterprise Account but it seems Push notification cannot work on my OS X application if I sign the OS X application with the certificate generated from this Enterprise Account.

When I sign the application with certificate/provisioning using Company/Organization account, Push notification can work well on my application. My app can register token, receive push nofitication without issue if I use Company account.

So, can you understand that we must use Company account for push notification on OS X? If this understanding is correct, my OS X application can ONLY be submitted to Mac App Store, can not distribute outside Mac App Store.

Look forward to your help on this urgent issue. My project uses push and I'm stuck due to this issue.


Can anybody help me?

Hi there,

Can i ask how is your account going now and is everything okay?and we need apple enterprise account .if you can help us pls contact me at fanboer@gmail.com