Safari missing cloud toolbar item

The cloud toolbar item, the one that allows you to open on the Mac pages that are open on your devices, seems to have gone missing. Surely Apple moved this function elsewhere and I can't find it, rather than decided to remove the useful feature?

Accepted Reply

Odd. I could swear it was a separate button with a cloud icon on it previously. In any case, yes, the "Show All Tabs" icon is already in the toolbar. But clicking it shows, as expected to me, thumbnails of open pages on this computer, followed by an "add page" with a +. No "cloud tabs" from 2 other devices are shown there.

Edit: turns out "Safari" was disabled in iCloud Pref Pane. As were several other things that were definitely enabled before. 10.11 disabled some of my iCloud services. Could turn back on ok, and then Safari is as you describe. Also there _is_ now an "iCloud Tabs" toolbar button. It was not displayed until I enabled Safari in iCloud Pref Pane. Check it out.


Did you right-click on the toolbar to customize it and see if the iCloud Tabs is there? Note it is same icon as the "Show all tabs", the iCloud tabs are shown on the bottom of the page.

I can confirm it hasn't disappeared as I've used it just now.

Odd. I could swear it was a separate button with a cloud icon on it previously. In any case, yes, the "Show All Tabs" icon is already in the toolbar. But clicking it shows, as expected to me, thumbnails of open pages on this computer, followed by an "add page" with a +. No "cloud tabs" from 2 other devices are shown there.

Edit: turns out "Safari" was disabled in iCloud Pref Pane. As were several other things that were definitely enabled before. 10.11 disabled some of my iCloud services. Could turn back on ok, and then Safari is as you describe. Also there _is_ now an "iCloud Tabs" toolbar button. It was not displayed until I enabled Safari in iCloud Pref Pane. Check it out.

Ah, I see what you mean, thanks for the clarification.