WKAudioFilePlayer doesn't play sound in real device.

In simulator, it works fine. In real device, no sound.

Is this a know issue? Or it is just what it is?


Did you confirm to use the same case for your code and the file name?

mySound.mp3 is not the same as MySound.mp3

Unless this has changed recently, audio playback on WatchOS only goes to bluetooth not

the inbuilt speaker.

It changed if it said otherwise before. In beta docs, it says "Any audio you play is routed to a paired Bluetooth headset if one is available. If no Bluetooth headset is available, audio is routed to the Apple Watch speaker."

So now that the Watch OS 3 GM has been released. the stupid WKAudioFilePlayer still doesn't seem to play sound to the native Watch speaker... This is really rediculous. Has anyone tried the the alternative audio playing methods in AVFoundation or SceneKit?