HL7 CDA support in iOS 10 - CDA or just CCD?


Really pleased to see the introduction of support for the HL7 Core Document standards.

However I'm a bit confused about what is supported.

Does the Health app support just HL7 CCD (ie. the continuity of care documents, a subset of HL7 CDA), or does it support the storage of all forms of HL7 CDA documents?

Best wishes,



Doesn't seem to support our varient of CCDA...

There are quite a few. It would be surprising of Apple nailed them all first round.

Hope there is a spec for this somewhere.

Here is the bona fide standard that is referenced:



I don't see much parsing either by looking at


It would be really helpful if Apple makes the parsing open source. We could spend more time on UI rather than parsing, here is an example of what could be accomplished
