MailSharingSupported AppleEvent Sandbox?

I'm trying to write a simple email app to handle various AppleEvents and send those messages using another protocol. As far as I know this is accomplished by 3rd party mail apps on OSX with MailSharingSupported, MailLinkSupported, MailPageSupported, and adding a "mailto" URL scheme type. There is a 5th in, MailURLShareSupported, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation.

The "mailto" scheme is straightforward, and seems to be the most common method; the MailLink and MailPage events are covered by Technical Q&A QA1722. However, I can't seem to get MailSharing to work at all because of sandboxing. Even if I move the codesigned app to /Applications and launch it there, I still get "errAEPrivilegeError/-10004" for event "mail/shim" in Console. No entitlements I tried to add (,, etc) seemed to work, probably because these grant permissions to my app, not the Mail service trying to contact it.


I forgot to mention MailSharingSupported is discussed in What's New in OS X: Mountain Lion

Assuming an Info.plist with

        <string>Email Address URL</string>

And this sample code

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    // Insert code here to initialize your application
    NSAppleEventManager *em = NSAppleEventManager.sharedAppleEventManager;
    [em setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(mailto:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];
    [em setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(share:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:eurlMail andEventID:'shim'];
    [em setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(link:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:eurlMail andEventID:'mllk'];
    [em setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(page:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass:eurlMail andEventID:'mlpg'];

-(void)share:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)reply {
    NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = [event descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject], *s = [event descriptorForKeyword:'shud'];
    //FIXME: never called

-(void)mailto:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)reply {
    NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = [event descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject], *q = [event descriptorForKeyword:'qtnp'];
    NSURLComponents *c = [NSURLComponents componentsWithString:d.stringValue];
    if (q) {
        NSDictionary *p = [NSPropertyListSerialization options:0 format:NULL error:NULL];

-(void)link:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)reply {
    NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = [event descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject], *n = [event descriptorForKeyword:'urln'];
    NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:d.stringValue];

-(void)page:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)reply {
    NSAppleEventDescriptor *d = [event descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject], *n = [event descriptorForKeyword:'urln'], *u = [event descriptorForKeyword:cURL];
    NSURL *l = [NSURL URLWithString:u.stringValue];
    WebArchive *a = [[WebArchive alloc]];

What should I be doing?