Where is the App Icons section for an action extension in 8.6?

Action Extensions do not inherit the icon from their containing app unlike the other extensions. And I've been puzzling for weeks trying to figure out how to add one (adding an app icon image set in the extension's assets catalog does not work).

Then I found a tutorial (http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ios-8-how-to-build-a-simple-action-extension--cms-22794)

The tutorial says "As a finishing touch, you can add an icon for the Action extension. In the Project Navigator, select the project and, under targets, select the ReadItAction target. From the General tab in the App Icons and Launch Images section, tap Use Asset Catalog next to the App Icons Source."

But an Action Extension DOES NOT have an App Icons and Launch Images section, at least not in XCode v8. So how can the icon be added for an action extension?


It looks like the UI is gone in XCode 8 (it HAS to be a bug, right Apple ?).

You have to reference your app icon image set name in the build setting "Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name" of your extension target.

I can't find that setting for my Action Extension. It is present in my main target however.


I do not even have "Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name" section in my extension's target Build Settings. ***!!!??? Xcode Version 8.0 (8A218a).

My applicaton target has Asset Catalog Compiler - Options section in Build Settings, it's all right, but extension's target only has Assets.