When will Xcode 7 submissions be allowed?

My app uses some assembly, and I would like to test the new submission process (with bitcode enabled).

Currently iTunes Connect is rejecting apps generated with Xcode 7 beta.

When are Xcode 7 submissions going to be allowed?

I hope it is before the beta is over. One of the key things we need to test in the beta is bitcode and how it affects our app.



Accepted Reply

According to the documentation:


"You can upload the same build you distribute for testing that you later submit to the store. It’s important to test the exact same build of your app that you submit to the store. If you include bitcode, described in Bitcode (iOS, watchOS), test the variants that the App Store builds for you using TestFlight, described in Distributing Your App Using TestFlight (iOS, watchOS). For Mac apps, use the same archive to export your app for testing, described in Exporting Your App for Testing (Mac), that you upload to iTunes Connect."


Devs are obligated to always use only release tools, so when Xcode7 comes out of beta, you should be good to go - whenever that is, since Apple doesn't discuss these types of future activities, usually.


Yeah, this is the type answer I was semi expecting, but there's a difference between previous XCode/iOS releases and this years releases.

Previously we could test the product that the end user receives. This is no longer the case.

Now, the functionality of XCode is basically split across the developers side and Apple's side.

I'd like to have more to go on than a hope and a prayer that our code works after running through the black box that is "the bitcode compilation process".

I understand, but there is no indication things will change concerning the use of release tools only. Betas are still betas.

As usual, if you'd like so see something different, feel free to submit a request via Report Bugs


According to the documentation:


"You can upload the same build you distribute for testing that you later submit to the store. It’s important to test the exact same build of your app that you submit to the store. If you include bitcode, described in Bitcode (iOS, watchOS), test the variants that the App Store builds for you using TestFlight, described in Distributing Your App Using TestFlight (iOS, watchOS). For Mac apps, use the same archive to export your app for testing, described in Exporting Your App for Testing (Mac), that you upload to iTunes Connect."


Huh? I was responding to the OP about what Apple says is the correct procedure for testing bitcode prior to release.

opps...let me remove that mistake, sorry.