Recursion over a Sliceable


I feel that I must be missing something obvious. Decomposing a list into the head and tail and then recursing over the tail is a standard functional programming technique, yet I'm struggling to do this for Sliceble types in Swift.

To start with a simple case using an Array, I have a recursive function that follows this pattern:

func recurseArray(arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
    guard let first = arr.first else {
        return []
    let rest = recurseArray(Array(dropFirst(arr)))
    let next = rest.first ?? 0

    return [first + next] + rest

(Obviously the real code does a lot more than add each number to the next).

Note the call to `Array(dropFirst(seq))`. Converting to an Array is required since dropFirst actually returns an `ArraySlice`, and an `ArraySlice` isn't `Sliceable`, so I can't pass it to my function.

I'm not sure what sort of optimisation the compiler is capable of here, but it seems to me that creating a new array from a slice unnecessarily won't be optimal. Is there a solution to this?

Furthermore, what I'd *really* like to do is create a version of this function that can take any *Sliceable* type:

func recurseSeq<T: Sliceable where T.Generator.Element == Int>(list: T) -> [Int] {
    guard let first = list.first else {
        return []
    let rest = recurseSeq(dropFirst(list)) // <- Error - cannot invoke with argument type T.SubSlice
    let next = rest.first ?? 0
    return [first + next] + rest

This time I don't have a solution to the fact that I have a `SubSlice`. How can I achieve my goal?



Accepted Reply

You can manage it with these generic requirements:

  S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == S.Generator.Element,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice

For instance, this sums a sliceable Collection:

func recSum<
  S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == Int,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice,
  S.Generator.Element == Int
  >(list: S) -> Int {
    return { $0 + recSum(dropFirst(list)) } ?? 0
recSum([1, 2, 3]) // 6

And if you wanted a more generic example, here's a kind of reduce1 with recursion:

func recReduce<
  T, S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.Generator.Element == T,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == T,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice
  >(list: S, combine: (T, T) -> T ) -> T? {
    return {
      head in
      recReduce(dropFirst(list), combine: combine)
        .map {b in combine(head, b)}
        ?? head
recReduce([1, 2, 3], combine: +) // 6

Or, as a method:

extension Sliceable where
  SubSlice : Sliceable,
  SubSlice.Generator.Element == Generator.Element,
  SubSlice.SubSlice == SubSlice {

  func recReduce(combine: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element? {
    return {
      head in
        .map {combine(head, $0)}
        ?? head
[1, 2, 3].recReduce(+) // 6


You can manage it with these generic requirements:

  S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == S.Generator.Element,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice

For instance, this sums a sliceable Collection:

func recSum<
  S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == Int,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice,
  S.Generator.Element == Int
  >(list: S) -> Int {
    return { $0 + recSum(dropFirst(list)) } ?? 0
recSum([1, 2, 3]) // 6

And if you wanted a more generic example, here's a kind of reduce1 with recursion:

func recReduce<
  T, S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable,
  S.Generator.Element == T,
  S.SubSlice.Generator.Element == T,
  S.SubSlice.SubSlice == S.SubSlice
  >(list: S, combine: (T, T) -> T ) -> T? {
    return {
      head in
      recReduce(dropFirst(list), combine: combine)
        .map {b in combine(head, b)}
        ?? head
recReduce([1, 2, 3], combine: +) // 6

Or, as a method:

extension Sliceable where
  SubSlice : Sliceable,
  SubSlice.Generator.Element == Generator.Element,
  SubSlice.SubSlice == SubSlice {

  func recReduce(combine: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element? {
    return {
      head in
        .map {combine(head, $0)}
        ?? head
[1, 2, 3].recReduce(+) // 6

Wow, that's perfect, thank you.

I'm not sure that I yet understand why this works though. The compiler doesn't explain why I can't recurse without these conditions - how are we meant to get about finding them?

As far as I understand it, the problem is that the slice method on a collection type returns a different type to the thing being sliced. So it's difficult to verify that the slice returned is itself sliceable. Thers's more information here: "Though it can't currently be enforced by the type system, the

type in a concrete implementation of
should also be
." So when you want to slice slices, the compiler can't verify that the subslice is also sliceable. So if you wrote, say:

func foo<S : Sliceable where S.SubSlice : Sliceable>(unSliced: S) -> S.SubSlice {
  return foo(unSliced[1..<unSliced.endIndex])

It won't compile, because while it may know that S.SubSlice is Sliceable, it doesn't know that S.SubSlice.SubSlice is Sliceable, and so on. I tried to get what I had above to be a little more concise (in terms of the type requirements) and I managed this:

protocol RecursiveSliceable: Sliceable { typealias SubSlice : RecursiveSliceable }

extension ArraySlice            : RecursiveSliceable {}
extension Array                 : RecursiveSliceable {}
extension String.CharacterView  : RecursiveSliceable {}

extension RecursiveSliceable where SubSlice.Generator.Element == Generator.Element {

  func recReduce(combine: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element? {

    return {
      head in
        .map {combine(head, $0)}
        ?? head
[1, 2, 3].recReduce(+)                        // 6
"hello".characters.recReduce { a, b in b }    // "o"

Which obviously isn't ideal. I was aiming for some protocol RecursiveSliceable that would enforce everything that you need, so you could write your slices under it. This also came pretty close to what I wanted:

protocol RecursiveSliceable: Sliceable {
  typealias SubSlice : RecursiveSliceable
  var first: SubSlice.Generator.Element? { get }
extension ArraySlice            : RecursiveSliceable {}
extension Array                 : RecursiveSliceable {}
extension String.CharacterView  : RecursiveSliceable {}
extension RecursiveSliceable {

  func recReduce(combine: (SubSlice.Generator.Element, SubSlice.Generator.Element) -> SubSlice.Generator.Element) -> SubSlice.Generator.Element? {

    return {
      (head: SubSlice.Generator.Element) -> SubSlice.Generator.Element in
        .map {combine(head, $0)}
        ?? head
[1, 2, 3].recReduce(+)                        // 6
"hello".characters.recReduce { a, b in b }    // "o"

But again, not really ideal.

That's just if you're trying to keep up the "Sliceable", though. If you're just intersted in a headTail function, and you're only traversing the sequence once, this might work:

extension SequenceType {
  func headTail() -> (Generator.Element, GeneratorSequence<Generator>)? {
    var g = self.generate()
    return{($0, GeneratorSequence(g))}

Putting it into the other example:

extension SequenceType {
  func reduce(combine: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element) -> Generator.Element? {
    return self.headTail().map {
      (head, tail) in
        .map{combine(head, $0)}
        ?? head
[1, 2, 3].reduce(+) // 6

Great info, thank you.