Horizontally Scrolling Components in Message Extensions

Does anyone know if it's possible to have a horizontally scrolling UI component, say a UICollectionView, inside a Messages extension? When attempting to scroll left or right, I end up scrolling to the next or previous extension. I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to achieve this.

Accepted Reply

No, horizontal scrolling is reserved for swiping between iMessage apps. You should not attempt to use horizontal gestures in compact mode.


No, horizontal scrolling is reserved for swiping between iMessage apps. You should not attempt to use horizontal gestures in compact mode.

Makes perfect sense. Thanks for the reply!

Is it possible to implement something like the default "Digital Touch" app though, where horizontal gestures do not trigger swiping between iMessage apps? I would like to have a small subview recognize horizontal movement while having the rest of the view accept the panning between apps. I don't know whether this is possible?

Thanks for any insights.